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Mandarin/China, Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa Mandarin, Cara Menulis Kanji
Mandarin, Cara Mengingat Kanji Mandarin, Teknik Percakapan Bahasa
Mandarin, Belajar Bahasa Mandarin Online, dll
Paket ini terinspirasi dari percakapan antara saya dan teman saya,
dimana teman saya berkata "jaman sekarang kalau mau sukses harus bisa
bahasa Mandarin". Terus terang saya agak terkejut, apa hubungannya
sukses dengan kemampuan bahasa. Setelah ngobrol-ngobrol panjang lebar
baru saya ketahui bahwa maksud dia adalah carilah peluang bisnis di
Cina, dan bawa masuk ke Indonesia. Hal ini sudah banyak terbukti banyak
orang yang membuka usaha berawal dari perjalanannya ke Cina. Mengapa?
Karena banyak terdapat pabrik di Cina yang bisa membuat Anda menjadi
pengusaha, saya ambil contoh, di Cina banyak pabrik dengan produksi
custom, dimana produksi disesuaikan dengan keinginan kita, jadi sesampai
di Indonesia tinggal kita beri merk kita sendiri, jadi kita tidak perlu
punya pabrik sendiri, hal ini terjadi pada banyak produk elektronik
yang beredar di Indonesia. Untuk skala lebih kecil silahkan jalan-jalan
di pertokoan tanah abang atau mangga dua, semua baju yang dijual disana
sebagian besar adalah diimpor dari Cina. Sepupu saya sendiri membuka
butik dengan baju-baju yang dia beli langsung saat pergi ke Cina, model
bagus-bagus dengan harga murah tanpa mengorbankan kualitas.
Materi#1 - ChinesePOD (Harga ecer @Rp. 100.000)
Materi#1 - ChinesePOD (Harga ecer @Rp. 100.000)
Newbie Level
Ini adalah tingkatan paling dasar bagi para pemula yang baru belajar mandarin. Pelajaran-pelajaran seperti cara mengucapkan salam, cara mengenali keluarga
Tingkat kemahiran: 0-10%
303 sets Pelajaran + BONUS: PIN YIN CHART
Beginner Level
Tingkatan ini adalah tingkatan bagi pelajar yang sudah mulai bisa mengerti sedikit tentang mandarin tetapi masih perlu diasah lagi. Pelajaran-pelajaran yang termasuk di level ini sudah mulai banyak kosakatanya, contoh: Mencari seseorang, Ijin cuti, internet
Tingkat kemahiran: 11%-30%
Intermediate Level
Di dalam tingkat ini, siswa diharapkan sudah dapat terlibat dalam percakapan sehari-hari dengan orang asing (China atau Taiwan). Pelajaran di tahap Intermediate ini sudah mulai masuk pendalaman setiap penggunaan katanya. Dan hal-hal yang diulas sangat berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari seperti: Transaksi di bank, Pengumuman di airport,Bisnis dan kantor. Etc
Tingkat kemahiran: 31%-60%
301 sets pelajaran + BONUS: Practical Business Chinese
Upper Intermediate Level
Tingkat ini sudah merupakan tingkatan yang tergolong tinggi untuk kalangan orang Indonesia yang belajar Mandarin. contoh: Merayakan tahun baru dan membuat resolusi, Perjanjian kontrak kerja dalam bisnis, Membuka pabrik baru .etc
Tingkat Kemahiran: 61%-80%
245 sets pelajaran + BONUS: Pelajaran Grammar dalam bahasa Mandarin set 1 (80 file)
Advance Level
Tingkat yang jarang sekali dimiliki oleh orang Indonesia, banyak sekali kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan sejarah dan cerita-cerita yang beredar di dalam masyarakat seperti : Three kingdoms, Cerita kepahlawanan Hua mu lan, filosofi , etc
Tingkat kemahiran: 81%- 100%
239 sets pelajaran + BONUS: Pelajaran Grammar dalam bahasa Mandarin set 2 ( 100 file)
Materi#2 -Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese (PDF+95 MP3) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Ini adalah tingkatan paling dasar bagi para pemula yang baru belajar mandarin. Pelajaran-pelajaran seperti cara mengucapkan salam, cara mengenali keluarga
Tingkat kemahiran: 0-10%
303 sets Pelajaran + BONUS: PIN YIN CHART
Beginner Level
Tingkatan ini adalah tingkatan bagi pelajar yang sudah mulai bisa mengerti sedikit tentang mandarin tetapi masih perlu diasah lagi. Pelajaran-pelajaran yang termasuk di level ini sudah mulai banyak kosakatanya, contoh: Mencari seseorang, Ijin cuti, internet
Tingkat kemahiran: 11%-30%
Intermediate Level
Di dalam tingkat ini, siswa diharapkan sudah dapat terlibat dalam percakapan sehari-hari dengan orang asing (China atau Taiwan). Pelajaran di tahap Intermediate ini sudah mulai masuk pendalaman setiap penggunaan katanya. Dan hal-hal yang diulas sangat berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari seperti: Transaksi di bank, Pengumuman di airport,Bisnis dan kantor. Etc
Tingkat kemahiran: 31%-60%
301 sets pelajaran + BONUS: Practical Business Chinese
Upper Intermediate Level
Tingkat ini sudah merupakan tingkatan yang tergolong tinggi untuk kalangan orang Indonesia yang belajar Mandarin. contoh: Merayakan tahun baru dan membuat resolusi, Perjanjian kontrak kerja dalam bisnis, Membuka pabrik baru .etc
Tingkat Kemahiran: 61%-80%
245 sets pelajaran + BONUS: Pelajaran Grammar dalam bahasa Mandarin set 1 (80 file)
Advance Level
Tingkat yang jarang sekali dimiliki oleh orang Indonesia, banyak sekali kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan sejarah dan cerita-cerita yang beredar di dalam masyarakat seperti : Three kingdoms, Cerita kepahlawanan Hua mu lan, filosofi , etc
Tingkat kemahiran: 81%- 100%
239 sets pelajaran + BONUS: Pelajaran Grammar dalam bahasa Mandarin set 2 ( 100 file)
Materi#2 -Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese (PDF+95 MP3) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Pembelajaran yang sangat praktis karena berisi conversation sehari-hari
sehingga langsung dapat Anda gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Materi#3 - Software Wenlin (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Materi#3 - Software Wenlin (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Software Wenlin merupakan software kamus Mandarin, dimana kita bisa
mencari arti, cara penulisan hingga sejarah kanji Mandarin. Bahkan
pelafalan sebuah kanji juga dapat kita dengarkan. Merupakan software
wajib bagi Anda pelajar atau pengajar Mandarin.
Materi#4 - Learn Mandarin Chinese by Hoogli 2.0 (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Merupakan paket kumpulan untuk belajar Mandarin, terdiri dari materi berikut :
Chinese Homework Trainer 3.4.1
The purpose of this software is to help students to study more efficient. It includes many tools such as, printing of flash cards, print study lists, tests and much more.
DimSum 0.7.9
"Dictionary - search by definition, pronunciation, component (e.g. radicals), and writing
Text editor - add pinyin, definition, etc.
Website translator - pretty cool, but pretty slow
Random programs - print calligraphy paper, get a Chinese name, use flashcards, etc."
"Also known as the Chinese Proficiency Test, this is a collection of 3 tests used to measure people's proficiency in Chinese as a foreign language. This
torrent contains vocabulary lists (made with Chinese Homework Trainer) and 3 sample tests."
Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese levels 1-3
Unlike other listening courses, this one challenges the student to remember, instead of spewing random vocabulary. Each level contains 30 lessons of 30 minutes each. Best for people who want to speak Chinese in formal situations, but don't need to read or write it.
Yale Language Series
A series of books about foreign languages.
Chinese for Beginners by Hoogli
How to Learn Any Language
Rosetta Stone Chinese
a unique method of learning a language that contains no translation. Which isn't always a good thing. I recommend you use this with Dimsum. Also, it's useless unless you are familiar with pinyin and Chinese characters. I personally think it's overrated
Materi#5 - Rocket Chinese (PDF+MP3+Software) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Materi#4 - Learn Mandarin Chinese by Hoogli 2.0 (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Merupakan paket kumpulan untuk belajar Mandarin, terdiri dari materi berikut :
Chinese Homework Trainer 3.4.1
The purpose of this software is to help students to study more efficient. It includes many tools such as, printing of flash cards, print study lists, tests and much more.
DimSum 0.7.9
"Dictionary - search by definition, pronunciation, component (e.g. radicals), and writing
Text editor - add pinyin, definition, etc.
Website translator - pretty cool, but pretty slow
Random programs - print calligraphy paper, get a Chinese name, use flashcards, etc."
"Also known as the Chinese Proficiency Test, this is a collection of 3 tests used to measure people's proficiency in Chinese as a foreign language. This
torrent contains vocabulary lists (made with Chinese Homework Trainer) and 3 sample tests."
Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese levels 1-3
Unlike other listening courses, this one challenges the student to remember, instead of spewing random vocabulary. Each level contains 30 lessons of 30 minutes each. Best for people who want to speak Chinese in formal situations, but don't need to read or write it.
Yale Language Series
A series of books about foreign languages.
Chinese for Beginners by Hoogli
How to Learn Any Language
Rosetta Stone Chinese
a unique method of learning a language that contains no translation. Which isn't always a good thing. I recommend you use this with Dimsum. Also, it's useless unless you are familiar with pinyin and Chinese characters. I personally think it's overrated
Materi#5 - Rocket Chinese (PDF+MP3+Software) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Rocket Chinese is a beginner’s course on Mandarin Chinese, which is the
modern and official Chinese language spoken in Mainland China, Taiwan,
and in Singapore (where it isone of four official languages). The course
comes in three main components:
1) audio lessons, which you listen to;
2) textual lessons, which you read; and
3) learning games, which you play.
But all three components have one thing in common: each one of them involves your own active participation. With the audio lessons in the Rocket Chinese Interactive Audio Course, you will add your own voice to the conversations that are the focus of each lesson, both by repeating words to practice your pronunciation, and by saying the correct word or phrase when prompted by your host.
These audio lessons come with supplementary written transcripts.
With the textual lessons, which focus on the grammar of the Chinese language and view it in its contemporary cultural context, you will walk through the various steps of how to use Chinese articles, adjectives, and verbs, how to build more and more complex sentences, and how to write in Chinese.
These text-based lessons are illustrated and contain embedded audio clips for new words and phrases.
With the software-based learning games, you can test your memorization of Chinese words, sounds, and the characters of the classical Chinese writing system through dynamic game-play and receive active feedback in real time.
By including all of these components, the course caters to many different learning styles, and you are free to explore the course material in whatever way you’d like.
Materi#6 - Tell Me More Chinese ($309) - 3 Levels (Beginner+Intermediate+Advanced) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
1) audio lessons, which you listen to;
2) textual lessons, which you read; and
3) learning games, which you play.
But all three components have one thing in common: each one of them involves your own active participation. With the audio lessons in the Rocket Chinese Interactive Audio Course, you will add your own voice to the conversations that are the focus of each lesson, both by repeating words to practice your pronunciation, and by saying the correct word or phrase when prompted by your host.
These audio lessons come with supplementary written transcripts.
With the textual lessons, which focus on the grammar of the Chinese language and view it in its contemporary cultural context, you will walk through the various steps of how to use Chinese articles, adjectives, and verbs, how to build more and more complex sentences, and how to write in Chinese.
These text-based lessons are illustrated and contain embedded audio clips for new words and phrases.
With the software-based learning games, you can test your memorization of Chinese words, sounds, and the characters of the classical Chinese writing system through dynamic game-play and receive active feedback in real time.
By including all of these components, the course caters to many different learning styles, and you are free to explore the course material in whatever way you’d like.
Materi#6 - Tell Me More Chinese ($309) - 3 Levels (Beginner+Intermediate+Advanced) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Product Features
Chinese language software with 300+ hours of learning
More than 1,500 exercises; learn over 800 basic characters
Covers writing, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and more
Interactive dialogues; speech recognition technology
Contains levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
Tell Me More, the world's leading software for language learning, is valued by users and teachers alike for its speech recognition technology and personalized language courses. Tell Me More now counts more than five million satisfied users worldwide. Global leading organizations have placed their trust in Tell Me More, including the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Government, the FBI, the Canadian Federal Government, EDS, BMW, Carnival Cruise Lines, Mercedes, and more.
Used everyday in more than 10,000 academic institutions, this latest version evaluates your progress as you learn, and uses your results to suggest the activities and exercises best suited to your needs, just as a teacher would. The package includes levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, and contains more than 1,500 exercises.
Developed in collaboration with INALCO (National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations), Tell Me More Chinese is the first language method based on speech recognition technology that is able to recognize the four tones of Mandarin Chinese. Tell Me More Chinese introduces the standard Chinese used in newspapers, television, and radio broadcasts throughout the People's Republic of China. The Pinyin romanization system, a crucial learning tool for beginners, is used to familiarize students with the pronunciation and recognition of essential simplified characters. With Tell Me More you will learn Chinese mastering:
Over 800 basic characters
Listening and written comprehension
Written expression and grammar
300 hours of Chinese learning with more than 1,500 exercises:
Interactive Dialogues
Use your computer to practice speaking in an interactive manner and to perfect your pronunciation, with over 1,500 words and phrases taken from the dialogues. The dialogues are based on everyday conversation and are supplemented by 400 photos illustrating Chinese culture.
Learn Chinese vocabulary with a glossary including more than 3,000 recorded words.
Consult 30 key grammar points, presented in a clear and concise manner.
Over 1,500 exercises to learn Chinese
Enhance your knowledge and understanding of the course with a wide range of writing and listening activities, related to the grammar and vocabulary points covered in the lessons:
Picture/word association
Word association: Chinese/Pinyin
Word association: Chinese/English
Word association: Chinese/Chinese
The right word
Mystery phrase
Word order
Crossword puzzles
Lesson Report
Learn Chinese, evaluate your coursework in the 18 lessons, and listen again to your dialogues with the computer.
The latest technology to help you learn Chinese.
Cutting-Edge Speech Recognition Software
Using speech recognition technology, Tell Me More is able to recognize the four Chinese tones, evaluate your pronunciation and correct any mistakes. With the help of the voice graph and pitch curve, you can improve your pronunciation, intonation, and learn Chinese more effectively.
Automatic Detection of Pronunciation Errors: S.E.T.S.
Tell Me More pinpoints pronunciation errors within a sentence thanks to its exclusive S.E.T.S. technology (Spoken Error Tracking System).
A one-of-a-kind Chinese learning method.
Simple and progressive lessons in Mandarin
Mandarin Chinese, also known as putonghua, is the official language of both the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. The use of the Pinyin phonetic transcription system throughout the program will help you master and learn Chinese pronunciation.
Materi#7 -Rosetta Stone v3 Chinese Level 1 - 3 ($379) (Harga ecer Rp. 30.000)
Chinese language software with 300+ hours of learning
More than 1,500 exercises; learn over 800 basic characters
Covers writing, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and more
Interactive dialogues; speech recognition technology
Contains levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
Tell Me More, the world's leading software for language learning, is valued by users and teachers alike for its speech recognition technology and personalized language courses. Tell Me More now counts more than five million satisfied users worldwide. Global leading organizations have placed their trust in Tell Me More, including the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Government, the FBI, the Canadian Federal Government, EDS, BMW, Carnival Cruise Lines, Mercedes, and more.
Used everyday in more than 10,000 academic institutions, this latest version evaluates your progress as you learn, and uses your results to suggest the activities and exercises best suited to your needs, just as a teacher would. The package includes levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, and contains more than 1,500 exercises.
Developed in collaboration with INALCO (National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations), Tell Me More Chinese is the first language method based on speech recognition technology that is able to recognize the four tones of Mandarin Chinese. Tell Me More Chinese introduces the standard Chinese used in newspapers, television, and radio broadcasts throughout the People's Republic of China. The Pinyin romanization system, a crucial learning tool for beginners, is used to familiarize students with the pronunciation and recognition of essential simplified characters. With Tell Me More you will learn Chinese mastering:
Over 800 basic characters
Listening and written comprehension
Written expression and grammar
300 hours of Chinese learning with more than 1,500 exercises:
Interactive Dialogues
Use your computer to practice speaking in an interactive manner and to perfect your pronunciation, with over 1,500 words and phrases taken from the dialogues. The dialogues are based on everyday conversation and are supplemented by 400 photos illustrating Chinese culture.
Learn Chinese vocabulary with a glossary including more than 3,000 recorded words.
Consult 30 key grammar points, presented in a clear and concise manner.
Over 1,500 exercises to learn Chinese
Enhance your knowledge and understanding of the course with a wide range of writing and listening activities, related to the grammar and vocabulary points covered in the lessons:
Picture/word association
Word association: Chinese/Pinyin
Word association: Chinese/English
Word association: Chinese/Chinese
The right word
Mystery phrase
Word order
Crossword puzzles
Lesson Report
Learn Chinese, evaluate your coursework in the 18 lessons, and listen again to your dialogues with the computer.
The latest technology to help you learn Chinese.
Cutting-Edge Speech Recognition Software
Using speech recognition technology, Tell Me More is able to recognize the four Chinese tones, evaluate your pronunciation and correct any mistakes. With the help of the voice graph and pitch curve, you can improve your pronunciation, intonation, and learn Chinese more effectively.
Automatic Detection of Pronunciation Errors: S.E.T.S.
Tell Me More pinpoints pronunciation errors within a sentence thanks to its exclusive S.E.T.S. technology (Spoken Error Tracking System).
A one-of-a-kind Chinese learning method.
Simple and progressive lessons in Mandarin
Mandarin Chinese, also known as putonghua, is the official language of both the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. The use of the Pinyin phonetic transcription system throughout the program will help you master and learn Chinese pronunciation.
Materi#7 -Rosetta Stone v3 Chinese Level 1 - 3 ($379) (Harga ecer Rp. 30.000)
The comprehensive language-learning solution that fits your life.
Learn Naturally
Learn your next language the same way you learned your first language. Dynamic Immersion empowers you to see, hear and comprehend without translating or memorizing. You already have this ability. Rosetta Stone simply unlocks it.
Engage Interactively
Get feedback to move forward. You learn best by doing, and you'll apply what you've learned to get to the next step. Rosetta Stone adapts to your individual needs and skills, because you drive the program with your progress.
Speak Confidently
Start speaking immediately. From the very first lesson, you'll speak. You'll begin with essential basics, which form the building blocks of the language. Soon you'll create new sentences on your own, using words you've learned.
Have Fun
Best of all, Rosetta Stone is addictive. With every entertaining activity, you'll feel success. You'll want to use Rosetta Stone to have that next moment, that next breakthrough. So you'll keep using it, and you'll learn more!
That's language-learning success.
That's Rosetta Stone.
No translation or memorization required.
The most effective way to learn a new language is to be surrounded by it. When you were an infant, your parents taught you this way, by intuitively associating words with images. That's the ultimate language lab, but most language-learning programs completely ignore this.
Think about all of the ways you've tried to learn a language: classes at school, tapes and cassettes, even software that uses your native language as a base for your next one. What do they all have in common? Translation and memorization.
Learn Naturally
Learn your next language the same way you learned your first language. Dynamic Immersion empowers you to see, hear and comprehend without translating or memorizing. You already have this ability. Rosetta Stone simply unlocks it.
Engage Interactively
Get feedback to move forward. You learn best by doing, and you'll apply what you've learned to get to the next step. Rosetta Stone adapts to your individual needs and skills, because you drive the program with your progress.
Speak Confidently
Start speaking immediately. From the very first lesson, you'll speak. You'll begin with essential basics, which form the building blocks of the language. Soon you'll create new sentences on your own, using words you've learned.
Have Fun
Best of all, Rosetta Stone is addictive. With every entertaining activity, you'll feel success. You'll want to use Rosetta Stone to have that next moment, that next breakthrough. So you'll keep using it, and you'll learn more!
That's language-learning success.
That's Rosetta Stone.
No translation or memorization required.
The most effective way to learn a new language is to be surrounded by it. When you were an infant, your parents taught you this way, by intuitively associating words with images. That's the ultimate language lab, but most language-learning programs completely ignore this.
Think about all of the ways you've tried to learn a language: classes at school, tapes and cassettes, even software that uses your native language as a base for your next one. What do they all have in common? Translation and memorization.
Instead of taking a "direct flight" from your brain to your new
language, translation and memorization connects you to your old
language. You always have to "fly" from your brain, to your native
tongue ... and then translate what you've memorized to communicate.
That might work for a few words, but what happens when you get to a sentence or phrase? When you have to change tenses? You're going to make a lot of "connecting flights." That's why those other methods are so frustrating ... and why they fail.
Enter Dynamic Immersion.
This method encourages you to think like a baby. You'll pair words with vivid, real-life images and make connections between things you know and the new language. Soon, you'll be thinking in a new language, stringing words together into phrases that you create.
Innovative technology.
Rosetta Stone places this Dynamic Immersion method at the core of a suite of software that works with you to develop your skills. The simple, intuitive interface helps to keep you engaged in the solution, while advanced speech recognition technology makes certain that you're speaking correctly and accurately. Best of all, Rosetta Stone never leaves you behind. You'll only move forward when you're ready, when you've become comfortable and confident.
Communicate and connect with the world: Level 1, 2 & 3 Set.
Rosetta Stone Level 1, 2 & 3 Set will take you on a journey from the basics to a whole new level of sophistication. You'll build a foundation of fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure. You'll quickly gain the confidence to engage in social interactions. Say "hello" and "goodbye," arrange travel, order food, go shopping and more! From there, you'll share your ideas and opinions, express feelings and talk about your life, your interests and more. You'll discover a voice. In a new language.
Audio Companion
With Audio Companion, you'll enhance the Rosetta Stone experience wherever you go. You'll learn new skills on the computer, and then reinforce what you've learned with Audio Companion. Simply play the CDs on a stereo or download them to a MP3 Player. Each Audio Companion activity corresponds to a lesson in the Rosetta Stone software, so you can turn your travel time into productive language-learning time.
Materi#8 - In-Flight Chinese (PDF+MP3) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
That might work for a few words, but what happens when you get to a sentence or phrase? When you have to change tenses? You're going to make a lot of "connecting flights." That's why those other methods are so frustrating ... and why they fail.
Enter Dynamic Immersion.
This method encourages you to think like a baby. You'll pair words with vivid, real-life images and make connections between things you know and the new language. Soon, you'll be thinking in a new language, stringing words together into phrases that you create.
Innovative technology.
Rosetta Stone places this Dynamic Immersion method at the core of a suite of software that works with you to develop your skills. The simple, intuitive interface helps to keep you engaged in the solution, while advanced speech recognition technology makes certain that you're speaking correctly and accurately. Best of all, Rosetta Stone never leaves you behind. You'll only move forward when you're ready, when you've become comfortable and confident.
Communicate and connect with the world: Level 1, 2 & 3 Set.
Rosetta Stone Level 1, 2 & 3 Set will take you on a journey from the basics to a whole new level of sophistication. You'll build a foundation of fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure. You'll quickly gain the confidence to engage in social interactions. Say "hello" and "goodbye," arrange travel, order food, go shopping and more! From there, you'll share your ideas and opinions, express feelings and talk about your life, your interests and more. You'll discover a voice. In a new language.
Audio Companion
With Audio Companion, you'll enhance the Rosetta Stone experience wherever you go. You'll learn new skills on the computer, and then reinforce what you've learned with Audio Companion. Simply play the CDs on a stereo or download them to a MP3 Player. Each Audio Companion activity corresponds to a lesson in the Rosetta Stone software, so you can turn your travel time into productive language-learning time.
Materi#8 - In-Flight Chinese (PDF+MP3) (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Living Language In-Flight Chinese is the Perfect Boarding Pass to learning Chinese before you Land
There's no better way to make use of all that spare time on a plane than to master the essentials of a language. This 6-minute program is the simplest way to learn just enough to get by in every situation essential to both the tourist and business traveler.
The program covers everything from greetings and polite expressions to asking directions, getting around, checking into a hotel, and going to a restaurant. There are even sections for meeting people and spending a night on the town.
It contains the following tracks:
-- 01 Saying Hello
-- 02 Basic Expressions
-- 03 Numbers
-- 04 At the Airport
-- 05 Getting Around
-- 06 Asking Directions
-- 07 At the Hotel
-- 08 Making Friends
-- 09 At the Restaurant
-- 10 Telling Time
-- 11 Money
-- 12 Shopping
-- 13 Staying in Touch
-- 14 At the Train Station
-- 15 Getting Help
-- 16 Days and Months
-- 17 Going Out
-- 18 Asking Questions And Describing Things
Materi#9 - Integrated Chinese Character Workbook (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
There's no better way to make use of all that spare time on a plane than to master the essentials of a language. This 6-minute program is the simplest way to learn just enough to get by in every situation essential to both the tourist and business traveler.
The program covers everything from greetings and polite expressions to asking directions, getting around, checking into a hotel, and going to a restaurant. There are even sections for meeting people and spending a night on the town.
It contains the following tracks:
-- 01 Saying Hello
-- 02 Basic Expressions
-- 03 Numbers
-- 04 At the Airport
-- 05 Getting Around
-- 06 Asking Directions
-- 07 At the Hotel
-- 08 Making Friends
-- 09 At the Restaurant
-- 10 Telling Time
-- 11 Money
-- 12 Shopping
-- 13 Staying in Touch
-- 14 At the Train Station
-- 15 Getting Help
-- 16 Days and Months
-- 17 Going Out
-- 18 Asking Questions And Describing Things
Materi#9 - Integrated Chinese Character Workbook (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Merupakan workbook untuk belajar menulis kanji mandarin, Anda tinggal
print dan berlatih meulis kanji karena sudah disediakan kotak-kotak form
untuk menulis kanji beserta contoh urutan goresan.
Materi#10 - Life Skills Language Learn To Speak Chinese (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Merupakan ebook pengajaran Bahasa Mandarin untuk pemula, terdiri dari 20 bab pelajaran dimana masing-masing bab terdiri dari teks, vocub baru, catatan dan latihan. Cocok untuk pembelajaran di kelas dan privat.
Materi#11 - Mandarin Chinese Grammar + Mandarin Chinese Workbook (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Materi#10 - Life Skills Language Learn To Speak Chinese (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Merupakan ebook pengajaran Bahasa Mandarin untuk pemula, terdiri dari 20 bab pelajaran dimana masing-masing bab terdiri dari teks, vocub baru, catatan dan latihan. Cocok untuk pembelajaran di kelas dan privat.
Materi#11 - Mandarin Chinese Grammar + Mandarin Chinese Workbook (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Mandarin Chinese Grammar
This book is divided into two sections: ‘Structures’ and ‘Situations and functions.’
Part A ‘Structures’ is a concise grammar of Mandarin Chinese organized in the familiar and traditional way, providing an overview of the Chinese writing system and describing the major features of Mandarin grammar. This section should be used for
reference when you want to know something about a form or structure. For example, if you want to review the structure of the noun phrase, or how to form numbers, or the structure of the passive form, you should consult this section.
Part B ‘Situations and functions’ is organized in terms of how to do things with language, and it is the longer of the two sections. For example, if you want to know how to address someone, how to say ‘no,’ how to make comparisons, or how to
apologize, you should consult this section.
Often, the same ground is covered in both parts of this book, although the emphasis is different in each section. Related sections are linked by cross-referencing, indicated by arrows in the margin of the page directing you to another section. Related functions are also cross-referenced throughout the book. You should always follow the cross-reference links so that you have a complete picture of the expression that you are exploring and can use it correctly and accurately.
Topics covered in this book are listed in the table of contents and in the index, and you should use them to help you find words and topics quickly and easily. Notice that the index is an alphabetical listing that includes keywords in English and in Pinyin romanization. For example, if you want to know how to indicate that you have had an experience in the past you can look in the index for the English expression ‘experience in the past’ or for the Pinyin word guo.
In this book, we use traditional grammatical terms to explain the structures of Mandarin. The terms are presented in the glossary at the beginning of this book. Once you are familiar with the grammatical terms you will find them helpful in
understanding the grammar and in expressing yourself accurately. We hope that you will find this book useful and informative. We look forward to learning how you use the book, and to receiving your suggestions on how it can be improved.
Mandarin Chinese Workbook
Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook is a companion to Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar and is designed to help you to strengthen your command of Mandarin Chinese. It can be used alongside a Chinese language textbook in a regular language program, or as review material for self study.
The Answer Key at the end of the book allows you to check your answers as you work through the exercises. Exercises in the Workbook are graded in terms of level of difficulty, making the book appropriate for near-beginners as well as Mandarin learners at the advanced level in a high school or university program. Instructions are written in English, and all exercises are presented in simplified and traditional characters and Pinyin romanization.
The Workbook focuses on the major structural patterns and communication strategies used in Mandarin Chinese. Exercises focusing on structure are presented in Part A ‘Structures’ and those focusing on communication are presented in Part B ‘Situations and functions.’ Since successful communication is built in part on structural accuracy, there is overlap between the two sections. We recommend that as you work on situations and functions in Part B, you also practice the related structure exercises in Part A. For example, when working on Chapters 43 ‘Expressing location and distance’ and 44 ‘Talking about movement, directions, and means of transportation,’ you should also work through the structure exercises involving prepositions in Part A. Use the table of contents to find exercises for specific structures or general communication tasks. Consult the Index for exercises focusing on specific topics such as illness, or the weather, or reciting telephone numbers.
Follow the cross-references to Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar for explanations about structure and usage.
Chinese language study is an interesting journey. We hope that Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook and Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar are helpful in your navigation, and wish you enjoyment and success as you develop your language skills.
Materi#12 - Kumpulan Edugames Bahasa Mandarin (Harga ecer @Rp. 20.000)
This book is divided into two sections: ‘Structures’ and ‘Situations and functions.’
Part A ‘Structures’ is a concise grammar of Mandarin Chinese organized in the familiar and traditional way, providing an overview of the Chinese writing system and describing the major features of Mandarin grammar. This section should be used for
reference when you want to know something about a form or structure. For example, if you want to review the structure of the noun phrase, or how to form numbers, or the structure of the passive form, you should consult this section.
Part B ‘Situations and functions’ is organized in terms of how to do things with language, and it is the longer of the two sections. For example, if you want to know how to address someone, how to say ‘no,’ how to make comparisons, or how to
apologize, you should consult this section.
Often, the same ground is covered in both parts of this book, although the emphasis is different in each section. Related sections are linked by cross-referencing, indicated by arrows in the margin of the page directing you to another section. Related functions are also cross-referenced throughout the book. You should always follow the cross-reference links so that you have a complete picture of the expression that you are exploring and can use it correctly and accurately.
Topics covered in this book are listed in the table of contents and in the index, and you should use them to help you find words and topics quickly and easily. Notice that the index is an alphabetical listing that includes keywords in English and in Pinyin romanization. For example, if you want to know how to indicate that you have had an experience in the past you can look in the index for the English expression ‘experience in the past’ or for the Pinyin word guo.
In this book, we use traditional grammatical terms to explain the structures of Mandarin. The terms are presented in the glossary at the beginning of this book. Once you are familiar with the grammatical terms you will find them helpful in
understanding the grammar and in expressing yourself accurately. We hope that you will find this book useful and informative. We look forward to learning how you use the book, and to receiving your suggestions on how it can be improved.
Mandarin Chinese Workbook
Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook is a companion to Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar and is designed to help you to strengthen your command of Mandarin Chinese. It can be used alongside a Chinese language textbook in a regular language program, or as review material for self study.
The Answer Key at the end of the book allows you to check your answers as you work through the exercises. Exercises in the Workbook are graded in terms of level of difficulty, making the book appropriate for near-beginners as well as Mandarin learners at the advanced level in a high school or university program. Instructions are written in English, and all exercises are presented in simplified and traditional characters and Pinyin romanization.
The Workbook focuses on the major structural patterns and communication strategies used in Mandarin Chinese. Exercises focusing on structure are presented in Part A ‘Structures’ and those focusing on communication are presented in Part B ‘Situations and functions.’ Since successful communication is built in part on structural accuracy, there is overlap between the two sections. We recommend that as you work on situations and functions in Part B, you also practice the related structure exercises in Part A. For example, when working on Chapters 43 ‘Expressing location and distance’ and 44 ‘Talking about movement, directions, and means of transportation,’ you should also work through the structure exercises involving prepositions in Part A. Use the table of contents to find exercises for specific structures or general communication tasks. Consult the Index for exercises focusing on specific topics such as illness, or the weather, or reciting telephone numbers.
Follow the cross-references to Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar for explanations about structure and usage.
Chinese language study is an interesting journey. We hope that Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook and Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar are helpful in your navigation, and wish you enjoyment and success as you develop your language skills.
Materi#12 - Kumpulan Edugames Bahasa Mandarin (Harga ecer @Rp. 20.000)
Agar proses pembelajaran Anda lebih menyenangkan, maka saya tambahkan 5
Edugame menarik untuk pembelajaran Anda, bisa juga untuk putra-putri
Anda tercinta.
Daftar Edugame Mandarin :
Xue Hao Hua Yu
Aku Cinta Bahasa Mandarin Vol.1
Aku Cinta Bahasa Mandarin Vol.2
Mandarin Around Us
Mandarin Simple Word 2.5
Materi#13 FSI Chinese (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
This is a course in Mandarin Chinese, made by the Foreign Service Institute for the US Government and eventually released to the public. The course focuses on speaking and understanding Mandarin, and is comprised of a series of units broken up into separate modules. Each module (except #9) has accompanying textbook and workbook pages that should be used to follow along with the lessons. There are no characters: reading and writing Chinese will have to be learnt elsewhere.
A description of the course from the site:
"This course is designed to give a practical command of spoken Standard Chinese. Nine situational modules form the core of the course. Each core module consists of tapes, a student textbook, and a workbook. In addition to the core modules, there is a resource module and eight optional modules
Here is the outline of the course. The outline shows some modules that were never developed: there is no text for Module 9, there is no optional module for Institutions and Organizations, and there is no Module 10."
Daftar Materi :
Module 1 - Orientation
Module 2 - Biographic Information
Module 3 - Money
Module 4 - Directions
Module 5 - Transportation
Module 6 - Arranging a Meeting
Module 7 - Society
Module 8 - Traveling in China
Module 9 - Life in China
Optional Modules
Resource Modules
Materi# - 14 Chinese Character (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Daftar Edugame Mandarin :
Xue Hao Hua Yu
Aku Cinta Bahasa Mandarin Vol.1
Aku Cinta Bahasa Mandarin Vol.2
Mandarin Around Us
Mandarin Simple Word 2.5
Materi#13 FSI Chinese (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
This is a course in Mandarin Chinese, made by the Foreign Service Institute for the US Government and eventually released to the public. The course focuses on speaking and understanding Mandarin, and is comprised of a series of units broken up into separate modules. Each module (except #9) has accompanying textbook and workbook pages that should be used to follow along with the lessons. There are no characters: reading and writing Chinese will have to be learnt elsewhere.
A description of the course from the site:
"This course is designed to give a practical command of spoken Standard Chinese. Nine situational modules form the core of the course. Each core module consists of tapes, a student textbook, and a workbook. In addition to the core modules, there is a resource module and eight optional modules
Here is the outline of the course. The outline shows some modules that were never developed: there is no text for Module 9, there is no optional module for Institutions and Organizations, and there is no Module 10."
Daftar Materi :
Module 1 - Orientation
Module 2 - Biographic Information
Module 3 - Money
Module 4 - Directions
Module 5 - Transportation
Module 6 - Arranging a Meeting
Module 7 - Society
Module 8 - Traveling in China
Module 9 - Life in China
Optional Modules
Resource Modules
Materi# - 14 Chinese Character (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Learn & Remember 2.178 Characters and Thei Meanings
Cara mudah menghafal kanji Mandarin dengan mudah
Materi#15 Learn Write Chinese Character (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Cara mudah menghafal kanji Mandarin dengan mudah
Materi#15 Learn Write Chinese Character (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Cara menulis huruf kanji Mandarin dengan urutan yang benar, dimulai
dengan sejarah kanji Mandarin, cara memegang pena, jenis strokes, dan
urut-urutan goresan dari berbagai kanji Mandarin yang umum digunakan.
Materi#16 - Software Untuk Mengetik Kanji Mandarin (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Materi#16 - Software Untuk Mengetik Kanji Mandarin (Harga ecer Rp. 20.000)
Tidak perlu windows edisi Chinese untuk mengetik kanji Mandarin, karena
dengan software ini Anda dapat mengetik kanji Mandarin ke word prosesor
kesayangan Anda seperti Notepad, Micorosft Word, dll. Dengan satu
tombol dapat berpindah ke sesi pengetikan kanji atau normal.
Materi#17 Aneka Font Kanji Mandarin
Materi#17 Aneka Font Kanji Mandarin
Berbagai font kanji Mandarin saya sertakan, mulai dari yang standard, tradisional hingga jaman kerajaan pun ada.
Materi#18 Software Chinese Symbol Studio
Merupakan software untuk mengenal huruf kanji Mandarin dan cocok untuk keperluan desain.
Materi#19 - Chinese Ink Painting (Harga Ecer Rp. 20.000,-)
Materi#18 Software Chinese Symbol Studio
Merupakan software untuk mengenal huruf kanji Mandarin dan cocok untuk keperluan desain.
Materi#19 - Chinese Ink Painting (Harga Ecer Rp. 20.000,-)
eBook yang mengulas seni menulis kanji dan menggambar menggunakan kuas,
dibahas lengkap mulai dari jenis kuas, cara memegang kuas, cara
menggambar goresan sehingga hasil tulisan kanji menjadi artistik, dll.
Materi#20 - Software Chinese Character Tutor (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Software tutorial untuk belajar karakter Mandarin info lengkap http://www.bridgetochina.com/benefits.asp?sroom=2
Materi#20 - Software Chinese Character Tutor (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Software tutorial untuk belajar karakter Mandarin info lengkap http://www.bridgetochina.com/benefits.asp?sroom=2
he Chinese Character Tutor is intended for anyone interested in
learning Mandarin Chinese ... reading, writing, listening and speaking.
This is the leading educational program for learning Chinese characters because:
It allows you to organize groups of words in a way that is meaningful to you. Drag-drop words to folders that you define.
It has the most comprehensive testing facility available with 19 different testing methods!
You can extend it to include your own vocabulary. Add your own dictionaries with lessons. Add, copy, move or edit any word in any dictionary.
Materi#21 - Software Language Now ! Chinese (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
This is the leading educational program for learning Chinese characters because:
It allows you to organize groups of words in a way that is meaningful to you. Drag-drop words to folders that you define.
It has the most comprehensive testing facility available with 19 different testing methods!
You can extend it to include your own vocabulary. Add your own dictionaries with lessons. Add, copy, move or edit any word in any dictionary.
Materi#21 - Software Language Now ! Chinese (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
ChineseNow! Deluxe with 4 language-learning Titles and an additional learning tool
The Most Common Words in Chinese (with dialog practice)
Survival Phrases for Chinese (with dialog practice)
The Chinese Way (with dialog practice)
Beijing: Yesterday and Today (with dialog practice and video)
GlobalWriter98 (Windows Only), a word processing program to help you write in over 100 languages.
Yes! "There is a better way to learn Mandarin Chinese"
With ChineseNow!, you'll learn by immersing yourself in Chinese. You'll participate in real conversations, read interesting articles, and watch intriguing videos from China.
Engaged in this rich multimedia experience, you may never feel like you're studying, and the fact that you are actually using Chinese becomes transparent.
Features & Benefits
Over 7,500 Words
Hundreds of Useful Phrases
Full Motion "Big Picture" Video
Full Native Speaker Pronunciation
Record, Playback and Compare
Advanced Pronunciation Analysis
SlowSound to Hear Every Nuance
Chinese Sounds and Symbols Reference
Conversation Practice
Word Dictation
Grammar Tutorial
Word and Root Search
Vocabulous!, Crosswords, and More Interactive Games
Video Unscramble
Personal Progress Tracking
Plus Much More!
Materi#22 - Chinese Mythology A-Z
The Most Common Words in Chinese (with dialog practice)
Survival Phrases for Chinese (with dialog practice)
The Chinese Way (with dialog practice)
Beijing: Yesterday and Today (with dialog practice and video)
GlobalWriter98 (Windows Only), a word processing program to help you write in over 100 languages.
Yes! "There is a better way to learn Mandarin Chinese"
With ChineseNow!, you'll learn by immersing yourself in Chinese. You'll participate in real conversations, read interesting articles, and watch intriguing videos from China.
Engaged in this rich multimedia experience, you may never feel like you're studying, and the fact that you are actually using Chinese becomes transparent.
Features & Benefits
Over 7,500 Words
Hundreds of Useful Phrases
Full Motion "Big Picture" Video
Full Native Speaker Pronunciation
Record, Playback and Compare
Advanced Pronunciation Analysis
SlowSound to Hear Every Nuance
Chinese Sounds and Symbols Reference
Conversation Practice
Word Dictation
Grammar Tutorial
Word and Root Search
Vocabulous!, Crosswords, and More Interactive Games
Video Unscramble
Personal Progress Tracking
Plus Much More!
Materi#22 - Chinese Mythology A-Z
China covers nearly 4 billion square miles in Asia, roughly 14 percent
of the world’s landmass. It has grasslands and deserts, a long
coastline, and some of the highest mountains in the world. Its rich
river valleys have hosted civilizations for thousands and thousands of
years. When Rome was still young, China’s ancestors were wrestling with
the problems of governing an empire as populous and diverse as any ever
known. When Europe was struggling to recover from the Dark Ages,
China was outfitting merchant vessels to sail across the oceans. So it is not surprising that China has a long history, rich with events and achievements. This long history has produced a tapestry of interwoven myths, religious stories, legends, and folk beliefs, which have all changed over time. Even today, as the stories are told to a new generation, the tellers transform them in the very process of preserving them—one more reminder that myths and mythmaking are a vital part of the human experience
Materi#23 - The Four Great Chinese Classics
Bonus novel Cina terkenal sepanjang masa yang sangat menarik untuk Anda baca.China was outfitting merchant vessels to sail across the oceans. So it is not surprising that China has a long history, rich with events and achievements. This long history has produced a tapestry of interwoven myths, religious stories, legends, and folk beliefs, which have all changed over time. Even today, as the stories are told to a new generation, the tellers transform them in the very process of preserving them—one more reminder that myths and mythmaking are a vital part of the human experience
Materi#23 - The Four Great Chinese Classics
Seluruh materi diatas dikemas dalam 1 paket, yaitu :
Paket Bahasa Mandarin (MD) = 8 DVD
Harga = Rp. 200.000,-
Cara Pesan WA only!!!
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Isinya : Pesan # MANDARIN # Kotamu
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Kuasai Bahasa Mandarin dengan mudah, cepat dan murah sekarang juga- WA Only ke 08-2121-282-083
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