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Paket Latihan Vokal, latihan Tarik Suara, latihan Nyanyi

Versi 1 Materi terus diupdate, so pastikan Anda melakukan update
Setiap orang pasti suka bernyanyi, jika ada bakat tentu akan menjadi penyanyi terkenal tetapi jika tidak ada bakat bolehlah tetap bernyanyi meski hanya di kamar mandi :).

Namun benarkah bakat bawaan vokal yang bagus diperlukan agar dapat bernyanyi?!

Tentu tidak, karena bernyanyi tidak hanya mengeluarkan suara, namun ada teknik-teknik yang harus dipelajari untuk dapat bernyanyi dengan baik dan enak didengar. Orang yang terlahir dengan bakat suara bagus pun belum tentu suaranya enak didengar tanpa menguasai teknik-teknik olah vokal.

Nah paket ini hadir untuk Anda yang ingin mempelajari dan menguasai teknik bernyanyi, sehingga tidak perlu lagi malu untuk bernyanyi di depan orang-orang. Dan untuk yang berbakat dari lahir, tentu paket ini akan membantu Anda dalam membentuk dan mengolah vokal Anda menjadi lebih sempurna lagi.

Materi 1 : Vocal Coach – Warm Up, Breathing, and Expanding Your Range
Learn to breath – sounds funny doesn’t it? But how we breathe affects how we sing. Vocal Coach Complete Breathing offers simple exercises to develop good breathing habits. First you must warm up your vocal cords before you start making demands, and Vocal Coach Complete Warm Up will get you off to a good start. Discover your full vocal range. Smooth out those breaks and rough spots. Get connected from top to bottom.Do you feel limited in your vocal range? Does your throat tighten as you sing higher or sometimes break or crack? Here is a chance to discover and utilize your full vocal range. Vocal Coach Complete Expanding Your Range will give you good exercises to help maximize your range from top to bottom. Be the best you can be and enjoy all your voice has to offer.

Materi 2 : Vocal Master Class with Renee Grant Williams
Private lessons are expensive. Now you can get a jump on the information you need to sing your very best with this easy-to-use DVD–Vocal Master Class with Renee Grant-Williams at a fraction of the cost of private lessons! Your singing will come alive with reality-based techniques that will give you great tone and help you hit the high notes with ease. Perfect for ALL voices at ANY level. Easy-to-follow training that you can apply to your singing immediately! 113 minutes.

YOU WILL Learn how to control your breathing. Make your voice richer and more resonant. Increase your range and hit great high notes. Connect with your audience emotionally. Improve your pitch and always sing in tune.

Materi 3 : Berklee Workshop The Ultimate Practice Guide for Vocalist
Sing with more power and passion under the guidance of Donna McElroy, Berklee Professor, Grammy nominee, Dove Award winner, and vocalist on multiple gold and platinum records. In this Berklee Workshop, McElroy shows you how to use the whole body to become the best singer you can be. See her work with a vocal student one on one, demonstrating how to use different muscle groups to increase vocal strength and endurance. She also provides lifestyle tips and simple everyday exercises to help you cultivate and protect the source of your vocal power and sing with more freedom, force and stamina.

Materi 4 : Singing Voice Lessons – Learn to sing like a star
You will learn a variety of breathing exercises involving the expansion of the diaphragm (the partition of muscles and tendons between the chest and abdominal cavity). Vocal Register (Range) You will learn to identify your vocal range by singing in a comfortable tone. You will also have the ability to sing in a variety of vocal ranges as you experiment from the low voice to the high voice (ie. from alto to soprano, and bass to tenor). Vocal Placement and Style. You will learn about various vocal placements in regard to vocal resonance. You will also learn how to incorporate these exercises to suit your vocal style. Various Scale Exercises You will learn a variety of vocal exercises designed to increase your range and develop greater breath support.By practicing this method, you will develop your voice to ultimately suite yourself. You will learn that by singing comfortably in any given style, you will become a better singer. With constant practice and dedication, you will develop confidence in your vocal sound and become the best singer you can be!

Materi 5 : WB Music Hard Rock Academy Performance Vocals
Learn some of the most effective vocal techniques that have aided some of the biggest singing stars, and take your voice to the next level. Kenn Hicks and Marcus Miller will show you how to warm up correctly and control your breathing, as well as describing exactly how to make a song your own. Full of tips, anecodtes and the best advice to get you singing like a pro.

Materi 6 : Vocal Awareness
Transform and gain perfect command of your voice in just minutes a day with this holistic DVD study program for integrating the voice into total mind/body wellness. Developed by Arthur Joseph, M.A., vocal coach to the stars, this system will build self-confidence and self-esteem, and foster effective communication. Uncover your voice’s relationship to body, mind and spirit and learn dozens of exercises to connect with your feelings and dramatically enhance vocal performance. 99 minutes.

Materi 7 : Teach Your Self Hindustani Classical Vocal by Raag Kafi
Want to learn Indian vocal music?
Enjoy learning the way it is taught in India.
You won’t regret it, is amazingly effective, and is such a great fun…
you will seat side by side with guru and his beautiful student.
Learn the Asthay, Antra, Alaap for Raga Kafi as well as CHALAM SARGAM BANDISH…
Meet a real teacher who will guide you from the very beginning right to the end.
Follow the instructions: listen and repeat. You will love it.
More than one hour of high quality DVD where you will learn rag kafi.
The guru and his chela (student) will show you how to master rag Kafi.
…And enjoy a full performance of rag Kafi live!

Materi 8 : Singing! Basic Vocal Technique by Penny Nichole
This course will benefit anyone who likes to sing! Whether it's rock and roll, bluegrass, folk, pop or show tunes, these lessons are guaranteed to increase your vocal range, tone, power and stamina.

Through essential relaxation and warm-up exercises, Penny Nichols helps you to develop breath control, articulation, volume and projection. You'll improve your ear as well as your voice, and "transform your body" so that your singing becomes natural and easy. Learn to summon the energy you need to sing properly; get rid of annoying vocal cracks; develop a strong vibrato; create a "ribbon of sound" to do trills, melismas and other vocal ornaments; add rhythm and phrasing to your vocal performance; work on scales and intervals to reach those "hard to hit" notes, and much more.

Materi 9 : Brett Manning's Singing Success
Train with Brett Manning, America’s most sought-after vocal coach, in the comfort of your own home. This systematic vocal training program will literally transform the way you sing. In addition to a stronger, healthier voice, you’ll soon have a commercially viable sound that will get you noticed! In fact, most students are able to sing a full octave higher in the very first week! The program comes complete with 12 CDs, a DVD, and a workbook. Each CD contains simple exercises that will quickly expand your vocal range, as well as advanced instruction for long term development. Prepare to be amazed at the sound of your own voice!

Materi 10 : Top 7 Vocal Excercises by Brett Manning
Pick and Choose Which Exercises Will Work For You… and Know WHY:
Brett kicks off this Singing Success Online video series by articulating the importance of making the voice pliable. Did you know there are secret exercises that help you get your voice READY.. BEFORE YOU WARM UP? That’s right, Brett teaches 3 simple and easy exercises that make the voice flexible and ready to warm up. Learn how to easily get rid of pressure and rigidness, quickly and effortlessly, before you apply any warm up scales or exercises.

Finally Hear and See Lip Rolls Done Right
Amazingly enough, even some of our best students still have trouble performing lip rolls correctly. Going by our teaching experience you may not be either. Find out what YOU are doing wrong… or right… once and for all.

Materi 11 : The Sing With Freedom by Per Bristow
Pick and Choose Which Exercises Will Work For You… and Know WHY:
Brett kicks off this Singing Success Online video series by articulating the importance of making the voice pliable. Did you know there are secret exercises that help you get your voice READY.. BEFORE YOU WARM UP? That’s right, Brett teaches 3 simple and easy exercises that make the voice flexible and ready to warm up. Learn how to easily get rid of pressure and rigidness, quickly and effortlessly, before you apply any warm up scales or exercises.

Finally Hear and See Lip Rolls Done Right
Amazingly enough, even some of our best students still have trouble performing lip rolls correctly. Going by our teaching experience you may not be either. Find out what YOU are doing wrong… or right… once and for all.

Materi 12 : The Sing With Freedom by Per Bristow
Now that these popular lessons are on CD, it’s easier than ever to start harmonizing! Complete beginners will learn the theory behind harmony singing and get the ear training they need, while those with some knowledge will hone their skills and build repertoire. The vocal parts are recorded on separate channels for singing along with Cathy, Marcy, Robin and Linda. Songs : Stay All Night * Down by the Riverside * Bury Me Beneath the Willow * Broken-Hearted Lover * Red River Valley * Trouble in Mind * Careless Love * Leavin’ Train * Down in the Valley * Turtle Dove * Little Darlin’ Pal of Mine * Keep on the Sunny Side * Blues Stay Away from Me * Gold Watch and Chain * Amazing Grace * Goodnight, Irene * I’m Going to Sit at the Welcome Table * Long Journey Home * Good Old Mountain Dew * Hand Me Down My Walking Cane.

Materi 13 : Zen of Screaming DVD + Scream Extra Mp3 by Melissa Cross
The first of its kind, this DVD offers comprehensive but easy-to-follow vocal instruction and information, plus step by step exercises. Convenient menus allow you to navigate easily and effectively through the 30+ segments. The instruction includes invaluable tips on vocal maintenance, actual vocal cord footage, and explicit and helpful animations which illustrate and illuminate the specific vocal exercises. Interspersed is exclusive backstage and performance footage of today’s most exciting artists, with candid offstage interviews and opportunities to see these artists actually working in-studio with Melissa.
Featured vocalists include Andrew W.K., Lamb of God’s D. Randall Blythe, Shadows Fall’s Brian Fair, Every Time I Die’s Keith Buckley, God Forbid’s Byron Davis, Melissa Auf der Maur and more!

Materi 14 : Singing in the African American Tradition by Ysaye Barnwell
Explore the harmonies, melodies, rhythms, counter-melodies and vocal styles of 20 songs from the African American singing tradition. This four CD course is perfect for individuals, choirs, church, camp, and community groups or friends of any background who want to participate in a unique and uplifting musical activity. Anyone who loves to sing will be thrilled by the depth and range of the material taught here!

Seluruh materi diatas dikemas dalam 1 paket, yaitu :
Paket Latihan Vokal (LV)
Harga = Rp.  150.000,-

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    Tunggu, ada bonus spesial buat Anda yang pesan hari ini...
    Selain merupakan sarana ekspresi diri, menyanyi adalah kegiatan fisik yang menggunakan berbagai otot dalam tubuh kita. Maka dari itu penting bagi kita untuk melatih suara kita sehingga terhindar dari cidera vokal, melatih dan memelihara teknik vokal yang baik, yang pada akhirnya memberikan kebebasan ekspresi dan gaya vokal tanpa hambatan teknis. CD latihan Vol. 1 ini memberikan anda tuntunan latihan vokal praktis yang bisa anda lakukan secara rutin. Rangkaian 15 latihan dalam CD ini khususnya menargetkan untuk melatih teknik yang melepaskan ketegangan dari vokal anda, melatih intonasi atau ketepatan pitch, serta memperluas range vokal. CD ini bisa digunakan oleh pria maupun wanita. Selamat berlatih!

    Tunggu apa lagi segera pesan sekarang juga !


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