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DVD Tutorial Self Defense Martial Art 2

CD/DVD Video Belajar Teknik Beladiri Wingchun, Aikido, Counter Blade, dll
Miliki ilmu beladiri praktis yang mungkin berguna saat Anda di jalan...
Coba Anda ikuti siaran berita di TV, 80% diantaranya memberitakan terjadinya peristiwa kriminal disekitar kita, dan mungkin saja peristiwa kriminal tersebut terjadi kepada orang terdekat kita, atau bahkan diri Anda sendiri.
Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika suatu saat ada orang jahat mengancam Anda ?! Siapkah diri Anda menghadapinya?
Paket ini akan menunjukkan apa yang harus Anda lakukan...

Materi #1 - Marcelo Garcia Series 4 (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Materi #2 - Counter Blade Concept (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Materi #3 - Inside The Crucible (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Materi#4 - Iron Vest Qigong (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Iron Vest Qigong is a high level internal strength and health exercise set centuries old. Iron Vest, also known as Iron Shirt or Iron Jacket has a variety of benefits both for martial artists and those who are interested in overall health of the body. Iron Vest was used to protect people from injury during combat. The purpose of Iron Vest for martial artists is to strengthen the chi or internal energy of the body. Iron Vest is designed to increase and strengthen the chi that circulates in and around the internal organs to strengthen and protect them. For those who are not involved in the martial arts but would like to receive the benefits of Iron vest, you should expect to see an increase in your muscular endurance when performong aerobics or weight training. An improved sense of balance and posture throughout the body as well as healing and prevention of lower back injuries. This exercise program is designed to be practiced daily in as little as 15 minutes. For those wishing to train the entire series and receive full benefit for use in full contact fighting, training is a minimum of 3 years with daily practice of 75 to 90 minutes. This video is not meant to replace instruction from a qualified instructor

Materi#5 - Kajukenbo Advanced Training (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)

Materi#6 - Wing Chun Sifu Gary Lam - Fighting Strategy (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Materi#7 - Aikido Ukemi: Volume 1 (Meeting the Mat) (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
The ability to go safely to the ground is one of the most important skills of self-defense. It is essential for students of Aikido, who spend half their practice time being thrown forcefully to the mat. On this video, Donovan Waite Sensei demonstrates his own system of falling - a system based on seven techniques ranging from standard Aikido rolls to knee-saving side falls and spectacular back drops. In all these falls, Waite Sensei meets the mat softly, not with percussion. After illustrating and discussing the details of the seven falls, Waite Sensei offers progressively structured exercises that allow students of all levels to move toward mastery of falling safely and at their own rates. A large step forward in the development of falling technique, the system presented here should interest students of Aikido, people in other martial arts, and others concerned with developing a friendly relationship to the ground.

Falls instructed are:

* Mae Kaiten (basic front roll)
* Ushiro Kaiten (basic back roll)
* Mae Yoko Kaiten (forward side roll)
* Ushiro Yoko Kaiten (backward side roll)
* Ushiro Mae Yoko Kaiten (front side roll when falling backward)
* Wshiro Mae Kaiten (front roll when falling backward)
* Ushiro Otoshi (Backfall) - with 3 levels of progression

After beginning his study of Aikido in England, Donovan Waite Sensei (6th dan) served for many years as uchi deshi at the New York Aikikai under Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei. He is now Chief Instructor at Aikido of Center City in Philadelphia

Materi#8 - Body Bumper Thailand (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)

Materi#9 - Control & Conquer Knife Defense Package (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)

Ask anybody what their worst nightmare is and they will most likely say, "Defending against a knife wielding maniac." We hear you loud and clear and we have a practical solution to real-world edged weapon attacks.
Our "Control & Conquer" Package is the most comprehensive knife defense program around and it consists of the following instructional dvds: Control & Conquer (Volume 1) and Control & Conquer (Volume 2). You save $8 with this discount package.
CONTROL AND CONQUER (Volume 1) - one hour of fast-paced, hard hitting knife survival instruction. Learn the 4knife defense principles that can save your life, the different types of edged weapons used by street criminals, knife familiarity, the 5 types of knife encounters, the 4 possible defenses to a knife attack, static and dynamic knife attacks, understanding knife grips, knife palming cues, the 6 ways a criminal can injure or kill you with a knife, target vulnerability and anatomical orientation, how to select a good training knife, the knife defense stance, knife defense stance drills, essential knife defense footwork, how to control the knife attack, how to redirect the chest thrust attack, redirecting to manageable angles, the "V" grip, the "C" grip, the "V" grip orientation drill, the "V" grip engagement drill, Vaseline for blood and sweat simulation, 4 man "V" grip drill, and much more!
CONTROL AND CONQUER (Volume 2) - This is the "advanced companion DVD" in our knife defense series. Control & Conquer II picks up where volume 1 left off. This dynamic knife defense DVD will teach you the following essential life saving knife defense skills: the four knife defense principles, defending against a rear hand knife attacker, the 4 strategies of a rear hand knife attacker, escaping from the "grab and stab", countering the "grab and stab", wrist release escapes, how to engage with a one hand "V" grip, being held up at knife point, distraction techniques prior to disarming, flex and stab counters to a knife point attack, ground fighting a knife attacker, 1 and 2 hand "knife struggle" drills, the famous "war baby" drill, "Around the Corner" drill, the "knife run" drill, the seated knife jamming drill, weighted vest evasion drills, and much more!

Materi#10 - Kalasag Kuntao Silat (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Materi#11 - Taiji Wrestling : Advanced Takedown Techniques DVD with Dr. Yang, Jwing Ming (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)
Materi#12 - Bruce Lee Fighting Method Basic Training And Self Defense (Harga Ecer Rp. 30.000,-)

Paket Tutorial MartialArt 02 (5DVD)
Harga = Rp. 100.000,-

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